





8 則留言:

Tam Tam 說...

Praying for you!!

老鷹 說...

God is with you, and we're with you, too. I am praying for you while you're having your injection.

易風思說 說...

I'll keep your Flyfoloo exercise by racing her :)

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

His will is beyond our will! K17 is more suitable than B3 for you to talk with our Father!

Wendy Chang 說...

My dear friends, thank you for all your prayers and care, I'm at home now, healthy and 精靈 as usual!!

Yvonne, I read the msg you sent me on facebook (email notification), and this one here together made me laughed and truly happy! So sweet you are!!

易風思說 說...

我這個人的弱點就是說話隔一隔, 你收哂隔唔到喎 :)

Wendy Chang 說...

哈, 好好好, 咁我下次收晒都 "扮" 收唔晒 (不過真係好感動嘛), 等你隔一隔的奇技可以發揮得淋漓盡致! :P

當我告訴Oska你話幫我feed and pet Flyfoloo時, 她都大笑, 說Yvonne是個很 funny的人(應該無記錯0卦). 這份funny底下, 我見到一個好體貼的人呢. (哎呀, 又 "收晒"!)