

今早一上 Blog,竟然一天之間 Visitors超過 200,好驚人呀......

5 則留言:

匿名 說...

Kerry =^w^=

Wendy Chang 說...

傻Kerry呀真係!宜家癌症咁普遍,唔一定基督教既朋友仔先睇嘛,總有人用得著既,係咪?(雖然當然係用唔著較好.......) :)

dEoN cHaN 說...

wai wai wai
where did u add this element ah??
i want to add too!
no. of visitor

Wendy Chang 說...

Oh, it's easy! Two ways:
1)Go to Blogger Help --> "Add-Ons" --> "Hit Counters and Statistics" (http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=42078&topic=8931)--> choose the one you like
2)Go to Google search --> type in "Free Web Counter"

Usually there two kind of counters:
i) counter w/ detail statstics: you should go to "Template" --> "edit html" --> put the script into suitable position
ii) simple counter (just like what i use): you should go to "Template" --> "add a page element" --> choose "HTML/JavaScript"

All can be done very easily!

dEoN cHaN 說...

yes! done! it's easy