

當體力逐漸恢復,一些想去的地方/想做的事,陸陸續續在我腦海中 pop up,有些我已去了/做了(好開心!!),有些尚待實現......

  • 到尖沙咀 HMV 買 CD & VCD,順道在 2/F的電影區蹓躂......done, with greatest satisfaction, along with great exhaustion
  • 到百老匯電影中心看電影 flyer & postcard,以及旁邊的 Kubrick 書店看書......done, but not enough time, a whole day would be most preferrable
  • 將十年前的 movie taste送走......done, 20 pcs VCD sold at a price of HK$35, higher than I expected!
  • 重新逐步整理書房的 VCD 架,搜羅我真正喜歡的電影......doing
  • 到葵涌廣場掃 VCD......done
  • 到銅鑼灣 Sogo 頂樓的書店翻翻那些日文書(雖然我看不懂日文)......not yet
  • 買幾近絕跡的 original size「車輪包」吃......not yet
  • 在中環翠華享受周打魚湯 + 美味跟湯麵包......after at least four months, when my liver grows back
  • 在一間老式茶餐廳嘆個 tea set......done
  • 吃日本拉麵(在醫院時兩個心願之一,第一個是吃美心的提子麥包)......after at least four months
  • 買一條牛仔褲 + 一件 tracksuit......done today!!
  • ........................................自己也說不上為什麼是這些地方、這些事......


4 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


~chi ling

Wendy Chang 說...

唔......「車輪包」就是一個圓柱形的麵包,但它不是一條光滑的圓柱體, 包身有一道道坑紋圍住......好難形容, 下次食到影張相你睇 :)

匿名 說...

Dear Wendy,
It's truly a shocking news to know about your illness....I read Irene’s e-mail this morning and got really upset about it….Even though I seldom contacted Otto, I skyped him right away. There was too many messy thoughts at that moment….He was not able to chat with me as he was in class but he gave me the blog site you created....I put down everything and sat down to read your blog for about 2 hours. Praise the Lord....He knows how to turn difficult situations into blessings. You always know how to express yourself in writing and use photos very well....I am touched by your testimonies. Pray for your recovery, pray for your parents, pray for your ministry, and pray for whoever reading your blog to feel God's love and sovereignty.
I still remember the prayer we had together in that hotel room when we traveled together in China. I was truly touched and impressed with the prayer and you gave me the “booster shot” I really needed for the training next day….Nobody knows a young sister like you had the prayer so powerful….nobody knows a young sister like you has to suffer through major surgery….nobody knows how God is going to use you for your next 5 years and next 5 years and next 5 years…..I only know He’s got a plan for you and I am honored to even be able to read your testimonies…..Hey, not only blog….ever think about really write a book? Thinking about you, Love, Vera